A Little Love

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Well, as the Joker once said to Batman – “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Kong Studio have released a funny ‘little’ heart-warming sing-along parody to spread a ‘little’ bit of positivity in their new short – ‘A Little Love’. Positivity that is well timed with the nail biting US Election, UK entering lockdown and impending Brexit

‘A Little Love’ opens on a close up of Boris Johnson’s face. We pull wide to show him sat at a piano. Boris starts tinkering at the ivories to a well-known song. A song that if you know – you can’t help but sing-along. Boris is quickly joined by some of the most recognisable political and royal figures from around the world. All swaying and dancing like embarrassing drunk aunties and uncles at a wedding. They embrace each as they acknowledge they’re “Weaker divided”.

Where did the inspiration for ‘A Little Love’ come from?

Bill Elliott – Kong Co-founder said of the film – “Mid lockdown (1.0), my two boys’ home education comprised of dancing round the kitchen to ‘Give a Little Love’ from the film Bugsy Malone. It’s such a positive, joyous song, which conjures such fond memories for my generation.

In the depths of COVID 19, with Brexit looming and a polarised American election around the corner, it felt like the antithesis of the state of the world.

It occurred to Tom (Kong’s co-founder) and I that, what if it was the world’s leaders singing? What if they embraced the message? It felt funny, positive, and not too cynical (ok, a little bit cynical…)

Tom rustled up an image of Boris at the piano, and it felt perfect. We dedicated all our free time and resources between jobs to the film. The rest, as they say, is history…”

Tom Baker – Kong Co-Founder adds – “The idea of all the world leaders singing ‘Give a little Love’ in these troubled times… well… the message seems more fitting now than ever. I also didn’t want to be nasty about anyone as there is a lot of nastiness on the internet and that just feels bad. We wanted to spread a little love and have something my mother could enjoy.

Lockdown is not so hard for geeks as we can just retreat into our hobbies and this is one of the happy results. Obviously, it took ages as there are loads of characters singing a song which steadily speeds up but hopefully Boris et al will have a listen and try and take the message on board. It’s never too late!”

Featuring a cameo from Margaret Thatcher and all your favourites, including – Boris Johnson (Bojo), Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin, Prince Andrew, Winston Churchill, Queen, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William, Hillary Clinton, Kim Jong-un, Cyril Ramphosa, Xi Jinping, Kamala Harris and of course Kanye West.

A special thanks to Kong inner circle and political strategist Neil Jack.

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