Sheilas' Wheels - Added Extras

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Kong Studio’s collaboration with creative agency Hotwolf continues with the ongoing series of insurance explainer videos for Sheilas’ Wheels.

Iconic UK brand Sheilas’ Wheels is known for car and home insurance, and a classic pink Cadillac has been part of its branding since it launched. Kong initially developed an animated retro ‘50s caddy for the first explainer videos back in 2018, and since then this aesthetic has grown.

The latest set of explainer videos further builds upon the colourful, retro aesthetic and showcases Sheilas’ Wheels insurance policy add-ons.

The videos have to keep viewers’ attention whilst imparting lots of information, being fun but also informative. There’s no small print to catch you out here, just clear and engaging messaging.

This is underwritten by top-notch scripts from Hotwolf and the delightful and engaging voice-over by British actress, Chizzy Akudolu. It all comes together, combined with Kong’s risk-free approach to animation, to create videos that perfectly explain how insurance works without the excess cost.

Kong Co-founder Tom Baker said of the production process –

“Hotwolf are great to work with, and I’ve known Jamie for years so hopefully by now I know what he’s after. Quality for a budget.

The more Sheilas’ we do the more assets we create which means we can keep pushing the quality and ambition of the animation despite keeping the costs down. We now have a whole cast of cars and locations which has made a richer Sheilas’ world for us to draw from (literally). This was the idea all along but it’s lovely when a client stays with you for so long. We can now deliver things that would not have been possible with the first few episodes.”

Jamie Lennox, creative director at Hotwolf, said –

“As always, the aim of these shorts is to keep potentially dry information and explanations as fun, jargon-free and colourful as possible – in keeping with the personality of Sheilas’ Wheels. We’ve produced a number of these with Kong now, so we’re a well-oiled (and well-insured) production vehicle!

We’re evolving and improving the style each time we make a video, as each carries its own little challenges. It’s a joyous process to work together and find a way to bring the ideas (and our little caddy character) to life.”

The Sheila’s Wheels infomercials are available to watch on their dedicated YouTube channel.

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